Ditching the Racial and PC Nonsense

“Power often tramples that which it presumes to defend, nurture and protect…”

Should we take exception to the idea that we must be enlightened and sensitized by the few supposedly socially conscious souls who live amongst us.  They who assume, accordingly, that we, each, are inherently not enough as we are and that our hearts and minds must be expanded to embrace their social doctrines and perspectives in order to be considered equal to the task of “being an adequately sensitive human being.” (Like them)  Being adjudged unlike them, (thankfully), we are still found woefully wanting.  How is it they cannot see the constriction in their own implied conscientiousness and righteousness?  Who is really being insensitive here?

 Learning about the complexity and uniqueness of cultures is valuable and exciting.  Even so, still I have faith in our innate sensibilities and must oppose the indoctrination with ideas like sensitivity training in order to satisfy others that I perceive properly, as it is required for all who are the “unlike.”  The insensitivity of requiring such pretentious “training” is astounding. (Seems rather zombie like) 

Who are those who walk amongst us and assume such a superior moral view that they are able to justify a condemnation of other souls?  What is it that lives within them?  What fermenting disturbance festers and erupts into our social fabric creating this terrible conflict of sentiments and suffering?  Why am I insufficient for simply experiencing the world according to my own innate sensibilities?  THEY DO!  I can only observe that I must contain some genetic flaw that undermines cognitive fluency!  I must be stupid!  Yes, that must be it, I am the “unlike,” the stupid.


An interesting quote comes to mind.  “Projection is one of the commonest psychic phenomena…everything that is unconscious in ourselves we discover in our neighbor, and treat him accordingly.”   Carl Jung. 

 Hmmm, with that in mind maybe the social justice warrior would do well to look inward for the truth.  Reach out, there are those who can help.  It seems reasonable to note that feeling hate towards others is often a projection of the world within.  We cannot change others by hating them or their supposed stance towards social circumstances of different groups.  No good comes of this approach.


Martin Luther King believed in the raising of all “boats.”  We cannot mandate equality for there is no such thing in nature (of which we are a part) and it cannot be artificially achieved. (As the Marxists proclaim)  Instead, each individual according to his ability and efforts is rich in possibilities and life enhancing potentials.  This can often be observed in the content of the individual’s character. 

Ethnic and cultural variation and its’ potential as I understand it 🙂

Philosophers have, from the beginning of recorded history, left a record of their musings about our place and purpose on planet earth.  Why this? Why that? Why anything? And so on.  One of the greatest mysteries I have observed during my time in the world is the profound confusion or disconnect people seem to live with concerning their own ethnic and cultural differences as broader inter-cultural assets. 

Remember the idea that Pride Comes before the Fall?  I wonder if it is appropriate to imagine as a specific group within society, that we are superior to other groups…where in lies the benefit (other than obvious political benefits)?  While our instinct towards what is familiar is always in play, how can our culture as a whole become more vibrant when some members pit themselves against others with an intention to dominate and reshape/interpret someone elses cultural heritage?   

Fear of the unknown and those who appear different from us can be at play here.  The limbic system is always alert to what is unfamiliar and fear can often result especially when one is taught to see others in a negative light, this does not serve humanity well.  Differences between skin colors defined as race is a manmade concept that only serves to divide people rather than bring them together.  It can be observed as a vulgar political devise readily used by politicians. 

The overriding reality surrounding ethnicity and race as used and interpreted within the social dynamic in America is being used in the service of promoting political warfare and social unrest.  In the public forum it seems little known amongst a significant number of the population that polarizing racial constructs, which have no basis in science or biology, are being deployed and weaponized with the intent of dividing the country into groups with opposing viewpoints. 

No longer is our shared humanity a common bond.  Instead, divisiveness based upon appearances and presumed social order dominates the political and social discourse.  Within this sate rests the specific intent of elites and their surrogates to dismantle and reorganize the cultural fabric of our country.  They have accomplished a lot in the dissemination of fear and hate.   

Indoctrination, What’s Missing?

How is it that so many of us willfully follow leaders with such destructive ideas and intentions towards other human beings?  Their motives are not derived from the desire to correct the errors of past generations, but only to establish the supremacy of a few over the many which is exactly what they claim to be organized against.

It appears we currently lack a public dialogue concerning the instinctive nature of all humans towards having continuity with others who are of similar social and ethnic circumstances and backgrounds.  Our instincts cannot be overwritten by the insanity of sensitivity training or racial bias classes.  These ideas are the slogans of discord and hate.   All human beings, without interference, are capable of fluidity in moving through and around cultural and ethnic boundaries.  Such exploration helps us learn from one another and promotes fraternity.

Another myth is the concept of equality of experience or outcome.  It does not and has never existed…it cannot (except as a destructive political device).  It cannot be forced upon a people without enslaving them.  Moral indoctrinations (trainings) for the sake of manipulating the conscience separates the world around us into good and evil, black and white, us and them.  An example of such indoctrination takes place in “communist re-education camps” where one learns to accept the doctrine of the state or not…at your own peril.

Race, is a human construct that does not exist except in the mind. It has been used as a means of marginalizing human beings based on physical differences and a desire to establish cultural and political dominance.  A nation/society cannot survive this ignorance if it is fully embraced. 

Perhaps the truth is that our diverseness empowers our humanity.

We all have a sense of being connected and comfortable in the presence of others like ourselves, because of our ethnic community and the comfort of what is familiar and the common understanding of each member of the group of their idiosyncratic belonging and having a place in the world that will always give one the feeling of being at home.  This is normal and natural. This is the native in each of us.  We are, by instinct, drawn to others like ourselves while every group is unique in its observance and celebration of life.  This is life affirming!

What if our ethnic differences are by design?  Perhaps by genetic variation alone we are prone to seeing the world differently.  Geographic’s have an impact.  The enormous differences and complexities of our ethnic cultural attributes support this.  I do not ascribe to the notion that all that is, is random and accidental.  There is no evidence to support such an accident that I know of.  It just so happens there are also arguments for our evolution into unique color tones based on environment and climate as well.  “Race” as a definition of groups would be better left in the dust bin of historical nonsense.   I’m “white” by current cultural categorization, but I believe my ancient ancestors were very dark-skinned people. 

Check this out:  The Biology of Skin Color, “We are one under the sun…”

The Biology of Skin Color — HHMI BioInteractive Video – YouTube

Cutural Variety Benefits Humanity

It can be observed that ethnic and cultural variations have evolved and exist not only to humanities benefit, but to allow for our entertainment also.  Our vast array of cultural characteristics and variety are, as I understand them, intended and well suited to creating wonder and amazement within each of us.  We are a species of unimaginable heterogeneity in cultures while we are all of the same kind – human.  This is cause to celebrate…

Every flower of the field exhibits beauty and mirrors the world around it.  While each represents only one of its’ kind, still they are all flowers.

I prefer the idea that we are all one race, if we must use that word.  Flowers are flowers, after all. I have never come across a flower that, if quietly observed, did not cause wonderment.


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